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So what the hell is this zero gravity chair?

When you spend the most of your working day sitting in front of the computer, the crucial thing is to have a comfortable chair. Here we represent you Elysium, the ultimate zero gravity chair. As the claim of designers says, it provides the feeling of floating in the air weightless or in zero-gravity.

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Elysium is made of carbon fiber, milled aluminium and leather. The designer standing behind this revolutionary invention is David Wicked. He says that the chair uses the combination electronic joints and bearings that work together and create the zero-gravity sensation.


It can be controlled by hand gestures and it move as the user shifts their weight to get comfy. Dr. David Wicket, the designer, is also a bioengineer and he explains that the user can manipulate with Elysium, the zero-gravity chair, the same way motorcyclist use their weight to change directions. And if you want, for example, to lie down for a moment all you have to do is to wave your hand and it’ll tilt back getting you in the desirable position.


All of this is impressive for sure, but how much does it cost? You were wondering, right? And the number is $26,000. That’s the price to pay for this the most luxurious and technologically advanced chair ever created as the designer claims. He also says:

“The zero gravity chair sensation is the result of a variety of things. The body is suspended at a point of frictionless balance giving a sense of perpetual motion.A lot of the technology is invisible. The skeleton involves ergonomically engineered carbon fibre and aluminium parts bonded together using advanced aerospace adhesives.”


“The user is connected to the outer frame via only six custom roller bearings that follow a specific path defined by my mathematical model. This is what effectively creates the weightlessness.”

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And what do you say? Is this sensational chair worth its price? If you still want to get it.

The price of the Zero Gravity Chair is $26,000

Get It Here

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