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Tortilla baby blanket and matching hat to transform your newly born baby into a delicious burrito, because why not? We all know that our love for burritos has past the weird stage, so there’s nothing wrong with adding that weird to our new baby right? Well, maybe not, but this blanket made to look like a tortilla is awesome.

Beside the look, this swaddle blanket is just in the right size to wrap your baby so he will be nice and warm when he’s just a toddler. The hat is just a little extra touch to add some style or taste to it.

The tortilla baby blanket was made by Katharine Harlan Owens who is the found of Bon Vivant Baby. If you don’t already know this name, it’s an online shop selling unique baby products everyone want. The burrito swaddle blanket is actually just one of three other designs that make your baby look yummy, the others are: The egg Roll baby swaddle blanket and The Sushi wrap swaddle blanket. Obviously each one of these designs have its own matching hat.

Some dry facts about the burrito swaddle blanket are: It measures around 40 inches, it is recommended to wash it before the first use ( like with any other piece of clothing actually ). The fabric is made from 85% Polyester and 15% Cotton so it’s stretchy enough to easily wrap a baby ( or a burrito ) and comfy enough so your kid will love it. It’s suitable for babies age newborns and up to 4 months. The hat however is suitable for up to 3 months old.

The tortilla baby blanket is perfect for parents who love to eat and have fun

tortilla baby blanket

A closer look at the tortilla blanket and matching hat

closeup of burrito baby blanket

Zoom look at the hat

tortilla blanket for baby

This is how the blanket looks when spread open

hat and swaddle blanket shaped like a burrito

tortilla baby blanket - covers

About the maker of the baby blanket tortilla 

Katharine Harlan Owns is what you would call a foodie by heart. Before she was known for making cool baby products, she was a successful business women in the wine market working from Napa, California. This was the perfect job for her as she could combine her love of food, with marketing and wine. However in 2012 she decided to start something new and let her entrepreneurial spirit run free and started her own unique children’s apparel line for parents who like to savor every piece of life possible. The tortilla blanket for babies is just one awesome example out of many cool products you can find in her shop.

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