Darth Vader Shower Head You Always Wanted November 27, 2016 Gadgets Awesome Things participates in the Amazon Affiliates program and may receive a small percentage of a sale at no extra cost to you when you click some links on our site The force is strong with this shower head. I know, cliche, but I had to. Starting January 1st of 2016, all storm troopers will be required to shower under this new Darth Vader shower head. Okay, not really. But that would be hilarious to see in the movies. A scene taking place in the communal showers of the Death Star. Every Storm Trooper under this hilarious Darth Vader shower head. I wouldn’t be surprised if he had cameras or mics installed in these shower heads. He’s got to keep on top of his minions, after all. Other than the hilarious aesthetic appeal of this shower head, it works like any other shower head. Although, it’s supposed to have three even better spray settings. It even has anti-clog nozzles. It’s every Sith Lord’s dream for Darth Vader to be staring down at them when at their most vulnerable, right? You can thank Oxygenics for this evil genius creation. Be sure to add it to your Christmas list for the nerdiest people you know. Have a look at this creepy yet hilarious new shower head and let us know your thoughts in the comments section. And may the force be with you. Okay, that was my last cliche, I’m done. See Latest Price On Amazon See Latest Price On Amazon Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website