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Do you remember the cool movie Jumanji? Sure you do! It’s where Peter and Judy Shepherd break in an old mansion and find a really old and mysterious jungle themed board game called Jumanji. When the kids start playing they free a man called Alan Parrish played by Robin Williams who has been stuck in the game’s fantasy world for decades. In order to free Alan for good, they must win the game! But Jumanji Board Game is harder than they think with giant bugs, crazy monkeys and stampeding rhinos trying to stop them.

Now you can play the Jumanji board game for real! Just choose your pawn and start your wild journey. The game offers most of the crazy adventures the characters actually went through the movie including the hard rhyming cards, rolling an 8-sided dice together to save your fellow player from danger! The smallest fail and you will be lost in the Jumanji jungle forever. If you haven’t figured it out yet, the Jumanji board game is based on the movie with the same name

Genius prop maker Gemma Wright created this cool replica of the iconic Jumanji board game from the movie


If you don’t remember the movie Jumanji is about a mysterious board game that unleashes crazy adventures on it’s participants with every roll of the dice


The main movie story is about Alan Parrish who in age 12 finds the board game and plays it. He quickly get sucked into the game’s inner world and stays there for 26 years only to be released after all that time as a grown man like tarzan


After his release he teams up with his old friend and two young kids to try and fix the damage the game has done


Wright’s version look so much like the real thing you will be scared of playing this game for sure!

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The game even has the warning messages and obscure rules on both sides of the board


It also comes with the four paws like in the movie that move on their own. ( But it’s safe to say that the replica pieces don’t move alone )


” In the jungle you must wait, until the dice roll five or eight ” In the middle of the board there’s the famous green crystal that reads the result of every dice roll.


Although the replica Jumanji board game looks just like the real thing, you won’t see flying monkeys and crazy elephants coming out of the board.


The game even has a secret storage area to store the dices and pawns




jumanji board game 14-1

Price: $143.47

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